Chapter 1. General Rules and Definition
Article 1. Purpose
The purpose of these Terms of Serviceis to set forth the rights, obligation and responsibilities between SiriusInvestment (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) andmembers with respect to the use of all digital products and services (hereinafterreferred to as the ‘Service’)provided by the Company available regardless of the type of wire and wirelessdevices.
Article 2. Definition ofthe Terms
1)‘Member’ means auser who agreed to these terms of services and was issued a user ID
2) ‘Non-member’means a person who uses a service without joining the membership.
3) ‘ID’ means acombination of characters and numbers chosen by a member for identification ofthe member and use of services, and that is approved by the Company.
4) ‘Password’ meanscombination of characters and numbers chosen by a member to verify the identityof the member distinguished by the ID and to protect his or her rights.
5) ‘Operator’ meansthe person appointed by the Company to be responsible for management and smoothoperation of the services.
6) ‘Partner websites’ means websites of business partners that the Company has linkedthrough hyperlink methods (including texts, stop-motion, video, etc.) topromote joint marketing, joint business through business partnership.
7) ‘Use Contract’means a contract that is signed between the Company and a member to use theService through these Terms of Service.
8) ‘Restriction’ or‘Suspension’ of the Servicemeans that the Company restricts or suspends all or part of service from amember in case of violation of public interests or company service regulation.
9) ‘Termination’means the company or a member withdraws the Use Contract after the service isopened.
10) Except the terms defined in thepreceding clauses, other ones are subject to common practices of transactionand relevant laws.
Article 3. Effect andAmendment of the Terms of Service
1) The contents of these Terms ofService shall be announced publicly to the members by posting on the servicewebpage or by other means, and become effective by a member joining the servicewho agreed to the Terms of Service.
2) The Company posts the contents ofthese Terms of Service, company’s name, office location, the name of the representative,business registration number, contact information (phone, fax, email, etc.) onthe main page of the service so that the members can be informed.
3) These Terms of Service may beamended within the scope of laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea ifdeemed necessary by the company. In case of amendment, date of application andthe reason of amendment shall be notified on the main page of the service 7days before application along with the current Terms of Service. However, incase of revising the Terms of Service unfavorably to members, it shall benotified through electronic means, such as email, as well as it shall benotified with the grace period of at least 30 days.
4) A Member has the right to disagreewith the revised Terms of Service and terminate the Use Contract. However, amember shall be deemed to have agreed it in case that he does not express hisrejection or terminate the Use Contract even though the Company clearlyannounce that it will be considered as an agreement with the revised Terms ofService unless a member does not express his or her opinion within the graceperiod mentioned above.
Article 4. Rules otherthan Terms of Service
1) Matters not specified in theseTerms of Service, follow common practices of transaction and other relevantlaws and regulations such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications, theTelecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information andCommunications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.
2) This Terms of Service shall beapplied along with the use guideline of individual services provided by theCompany.
Chapter 2. Service Use Contract
Article 5. Establishment,application, and acceptance of the Use Contract
1) The Use Contract is establishedwhen a person who wishes to become a member agrees to the Terms of Service,then applies for membership and the Company approves such application.
2) Application for membership inagreement with the Terms of Service means an agreement to providing memberinformation to the Company, requesting agency, Content Security Policy (CSP)agency to use the service normally.
3) In any of the following cases, theCompany may withhold the approval of use and notice the reason on the servicewebsite.
In case the capacity of theservice-related facilities is insufficient
In case of technical difficulty orbusiness practice difficulty
Other cases that the Company deems itnecessary
Article 6. ID &Password
1) A member shall take responsibilityfor managing their use ID and Password, and must not let a third party know oruse their ID and Password.
2) In case a member becomes awarethat their ID and Password have been stolen or used by a third party, he or sheshall immediately notify the Company and follow the Company’s instruction.
3) The Company or its partners shallnot be liable for any damages resulting from the theft of his or her ID andPassword without reasons attributable to each company.
Article 7. Modificationof Member Information
1) A Member can view and modify hisor her personal information at any time through “Mypage”.However, it is impossible to modify member management number granted forservice management.
2) If the member information ischanged from that entered at the time of application for membership, a membershould notify the Company of it through online update, email, or any othermethod
3) The company is not liable for thedisadvantages caused by not notifying the company of the changes in clause 2.
Article 8. Notice toMembers
1) In the event that the Companymakes a notification to members, the Company may do it via email unless Termsof Service specifies otherwise.
2) In the event that the Companymakes a notification to all members, the Company may replace notification inclause 1 with a posting on the Company’s website for 7 or more days.
Chapter 3. Obligation of the contract parties
Article 9. Obligation ofthe Company
1) The Company shall establish asecurity system to protect personal information so that members can use theservice safely, and shall faithfully implement measures such as maintenance,inspection, or restoration.
2) The Company shall not disclose ordistribute member’s personal information to a third party without member’s consent. Other matters related to the protection of member’s personal information are in accordance with the PersonalInformation Protection Act of the Republic of Korea and the privacy policy setseparately by the Company.
3) The Company shall not sendcommercial email, SMS text message, etc. that members do not agree to receive.
4) If the Company provides servicesto the members by signing a service provision contract with a third party, theCompany shall comply with the relevant laws such as sharing members’ personalinformation with a third party within the scope of agreement and within theperiod of the service provision after specifying specific member informationprovided to the third party for provision of each service and obtaining members’ individual and explicit agreement.
5) The Company shall immediately takecare of the complains raised by the members if deemed reasonable. However, ifit is impossible to be taken care of immediately, the Company shall notify thereason and further schedule to the members.
Article 10. Obligation toprotect personal information
1) The Company shall collect theminimum information necessary when collecting member information.
2) The Company is responsible for thedamage to the member incurred by the unagreed use of member information and theprovision of the information without member’s consent.
3) A member can view, modify, andrequest deletion of his or information at any time, and the Company mustprocess such deletion immediately upon receipt of the request.
4) The company shall limit the numberof personal information managers, and be responsible for loss, theft, leak, andfalsification of personal information
5) When the purpose of collecting orbeing provided with the personal information is achieved, it will be disposedof without delay.
Article 11. Obligation ofa Member
1) A member shall comply with the mattersthat the Company announces or notices such as relevant laws, regulations ofthese Terms of Service, use guideline, and precautions, and cannot interferewith the Company’sbusiness.
2) A member shall not conduct anycommercial activities using the Service without prior approval of the Company.
3) A member shall not copy,reproduce, change, translate, publish, broadcast, or use information obtainedusing the Service in any other method or provide it to a third party withoutprior approval of the Company.
4) When using image includingphotographs, a member shall acquire portrait rights, trademark rights, patentrights, and other rights to the subject of the image, and in case of disputeover these rights, the member shall take full responsibility.
5) A member shall not conduct any ofthe following acts while he or she uses the service.
a.The act of collecting and storingother members’ IDand personal information, and using them illegally
b.The act of reproducing, altering,publishing, broadcasting the information obtained from the service for purposeother than using it, or providing it to others without prior approval of theCompany.
c.The act of infringing other rightsincluding the Company’s and others’ copyright
d.The act of distributing to othersthe information, sentences, figures, and other contents that violate publicorder and custom
e.The act of being objectively judgedto be linked to a crime
f.The act of defaming or insultingothers’reputation
g.The act of hacking or spreadingcomputer virus
h.Any action that may interfere or beconcerned to interfere with the stable operation of the service
i.Any other act of violating otherrelevant laws and regulations
j.The act of impersonating themanagement staff or person concerned of The Company
6) A member shall comply with therelevant laws and regulations, matters stipulated in these Terms of Service,service use guide, and precautions.
7) The Company enables a member toleave comments for the purpose of posting member’s opinions and sharing commoninterests. When he or she posts comments, the Company may delete them andrestrict him or her from using the service without his or her prior consent ifthe content is deemed to fall under any of the followings.
a.Postings that do not conform to thenature of service
b.Postings including advertisingcontents
c.The act of defaming or infringe others’ reputation
d.The act of violating intellectualproperty of others
e.The act of spreading exaggeratedand false information
f.The act of expressing abusivelanguage, slander, obscene, or violent contents
g.Postings recognized as being linkedto criminal activity
Chapter 4. Provision and Use of Service
Article 12. Provision ofService
1) These Terms of Service applies bydefault to all services developed by the Company or provided throughpartnership agreement with other companies, and subsidiary terms of service maybe placed for services that require separate terms.
2) The Company can divide the serviceinto a certain range and designate the available time separately for eachrange. However, the details are notified in advance in such cases.
3) In principle, the service isprovided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Article 13. Change ofService
1) The Company may change all or partof the provided service for operational and technical needs if there is asignificant reason.
2) The Company may modify, suspend,and change all or part of the service provided for free due to the Company’s policy oroperational necessity, and does not provide separate compensation unless thereis a special rule or regulation in the relevant laws.
Article 14. Suspensionand Restriction of Service
1) The Company may suspend theservice in the following cases.
In case of inevitable due tomaintenance or construction of service facilities
In case a telecommunications serviceprovider stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act of the Republic ofKorea suspends the telecommunication services
In case of inevitable due to naturaldisaster
2) The service can be suspended orrestricted if there is a problem with the use of the service due to reasonsincluding national emergency, service facility failure, or surge in serviceuse.
3) The Company can conduct regularinspection if necessary for the service, and the regular inspection time willbe as it is announced on the service webpage.
Article 15. Attributionof Rights
1) Copyright and other intellectualproperty rights for service created and provided by the Company belongs to theCompany. A member cannot use or let a third party use the Company’s service byreproducing, transmitting, publishing, broadcasting, and other methods forcommercial purpose without company’s prior consent.
2) Copyright and other intellectualproperty rights for posting by a member on the service belongs to the member.The Company shall have the right to post the postings and data published by themember, and shall not use them for commercial purpose without the member’s consent.
3) The Company has the right tomodify or delete the postings that violates the obligations in Article 11.Specific standard and procedures for this are subject to separate regulations.
Chapter 5. Cancellation of Contracts and Restriction of Service Use
Article 16. Cancellationof Contracts and Restriction of Use
1) The company may terminate the usecontract without prior notice or restrict the use of service for a fixed periodof time if a member commits any of the following acts.
a.In case of intentionallydisseminating contents violating public order and custom
b.In case of being involved withcriminal activities
c.In case of planning andimplementing the use of service for the purpose of undermining national orsocial interests
d.In case of stealing someone else’s ID and Password
e.In case of joining the membershipnot using the real name or using other’s name.
f.In case the same user registersmore than twice with different IDs
g.In case of transmitting a largeamount of information for the purpose of interfering with the stableoperation of the service.
h.In case of violating conditions ofuse set by the company including relevant laws and these Terms of Service.
2)Notwithstanding the preceding clause, the Company may immediately suspend theuse of service permanently in cases of violating relevant laws disturbanceof operation and provision of illegal programs in violation of the CopyrightAct and the Computer Programs Protection Act of the Republic of Korea, illegaltelecommunications and hacking in violation of the Act on Promotion ofInformation and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection,Etc., distribution of malicious programs, and excess of access right. In thecase of permanent suspension in accordance with this clause, all other benefitsobtained using the service will also lapse, and the company does not compensatefor this separately.
3) If a member does not sign in formore than 12 months continuously, the Company may restrict the use of memberfor protection of member information and for operational efficiency.
4) Within the scope of the suspensionof use prescribed in this article, the conditions and details of the suspensionshall be governed by the use restriction policy and operation policy ofindividual services.
5) In case of restricting the serviceor terminating the contract, the company will notify it in accordance withArticle 8 (Notice to Members)
Article 17. Procedure ofcontract termination
1) In the event that a member wantsto terminate this use contract, the member shall contact the customer centervia telephone or email for membership withdrawal.
2) In the event that a memberterminates this use contract, all data of the member shall be destroyed exceptthe cases that the company holds the membership information in accordance withthe relevant law and personal information processing policies.
3) In the event that a memberterminates this use contract, postings reposted by other person or postedpublicly will not be deleted, so please delete them before the withdrawal.
Chapter 6. Others
In case a member violates theregulations of these Terms of Service and causes damage to the company or athird party, the member who violates this Terms of Service shall be responsiblefor the compensating for the damages to the company or a third party.
Article 18. Exemption ofResponsibilities
1) The company is exempted fromresponsibilities of providing the service if the company cannot provide theservice due to natural disasters, or equivalent force majeure.
2) The company is not liable forfailure to use the service due to reasons attributable to the member.
3) The company is not responsible forthe contents, such as reliability and accuracy of information, data, and factposted by a member with regard to the service.
4) The company shall be exempted fromresponsibilities if transaction between members or between a member and a thirdparty is made through service.
5) All information, software, productand other services included in the company’s service may contain inaccuracies ortypographical errors. However, changes to such information are made on aregular base. The company may improve or change this website at any time.
6) The company’ssecurities-related data and service are provided for the purpose of providinginformation, and the company is not liable for any damages caused by errors ordelay in information when used for actual stock trading.
Article 19. GoverningLaws and Judicial Jurisdiction
1) The company and members must takeall necessary efforts to smoothly resolve any dispute related to the service.
2) In case a lawsuit is filed betweenthe company and a member despite the regulation in the clause 1, it shall begoverned by the law of the Republic of Korea.
3) Lawsuit concerning the disputebetween the company and members shall be determined in accordance with theCivil Procedure Act.
4) In case of a member with anaddress or residence abroad, the court of competent jurisdiction is the SeoulCentral District Court of Korea, notwithstanding the preceding clauses.